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Kaplan, I may have been a bit too harsh with you. Maybe you wouldn't purposely sabotage her relationships, but if my girlfriend constantly got calls/texts from some guy while I was with her, I wouldn't be happy about it. I've been in the situation where I've had a girl who was definitely interested in me while I had absolutely no interest. It's really awkward, and you want to avoid that person. I see where this girl's coming from. Trust me when I tell you that if your female friend, whom you have no attraction for, suddenly falls in love with you, you won't want her hovering around anymore.
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Hey, I enjoyed reading all about your dating life - especially the fact that you dated two Asian guys. They are respectful to their partners and they will never cheat on you. It especially turns me on when a white woman is with an Asian guy. I am sick and tired of all these stereotypes and prejudices - that white women find asian guys hideous. I am tired of that! So, you posting your story definitely made me feel a lot better about myself.
Maybe we should have talked about it, but I was caught off guard and now I don’t know how to bring it up after the fact … so last night, we were together again, and he was texting his brother about Christmas in front of me, left his phone open sitting right next to us. I looked down and I could see her text thread towards the bottom of the phone, and it was from earlier yesterday. So, he has made contact (or someone). My original plan was to just rely on how things are going based on his actions which have all been positive, but if she texted again while we were together, to just casually ask who she was. However, I am not sure I can function … I’m embarrassed to admit I have lost sleep over this every night. It would really shock me if there was something going on, despite everything (and after he realized), he is very mindful of my feelings and I can't imagine he'd ever intentionally do something like this. But ... never say never ...
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Hey jack can you go into great detail into why each of my rejected photos get rejected. Dating back into the day my username was created and all the way until I get banned or become admin?
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They’re crazy. So underrated
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This is easily achievable if you put effort into it. Even if only temporary effort you can have a permanent result.
I think you basically have two choices: (1) you are too high maintenence (you are looking for more emotional support in the relationship than is appropriate or than he is willing to give) or (2) you don't like him enough to stick with what you are getting from him.
I will be 63 years old in Aug this year. I am a Chinese widow ,retired and has lived in USA since 2002 ( permanent green card resident). I am looking for a good man between the ages 62 and 72.
DU and Jackb: please accept my apologies. My comments yesterday were spoken in jest and not meant as a "complaint". I just keep forgetting about the quality distortion from original to repost when I submit my pics. Girls are all 14 yr olds, at least, but
THAT is the ONLY Question you should be asking aloud.
Japanese women are more than open to dating; I've seen the ugliest, poorest, most socially ill-adjusted foreign guy get a Japanese wife (and he didn't even speak the language!!) And it isn't for the green card; a lot of mixed couples I know continue living there. The difference is the foreign guy is nice to them. The foreign guy doesn't think it's weird she wants to keep working, the foreign guy thinks his girlfriend is sexy and fun and maybe even an equal, not a baby-making-floor-cleaning servant. The foreign guy... treats her like a person.
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Ok, female here...