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Exactly what that entails and how far it's carried will vary from one individual to the next, but I think it safe to assume that she expects everything to be taken care of for her. That certainly includes the man pays for everything, and is only too happy to do so... opening doors, pulling out chairs, making plans and decisions, initiating everything, wooing and pursuing, etc. In the larger context I think it means that she should want for nothing and that a man should be responsible for her happiness. It's not unlike the way a doting parent would care for a small, sick child. And it's pure fantasy.
When she sees a cockroach infested apartment, in a dangerous area of
You are not her boyfriend, you are codependent on her as you have her too far up on a pedestal. And the only way you are going to let her off of it is by her hand alone.
A "little test?!" You're KIDDING, right?! For a man to tell the women who has loved him with her whole heart and given all she is to him and never looked at another man with lust in her mind, "I think you've been screwing some other guy" is NOT "a little test." It is a statement about HER as a person; as a partner. Any woman who would put up with being treated that way would be a useless doormat.
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For once rumors turned out to be right and going to see Carla turned out to be a great decission..we started of from the door step she welcomed me with a great smile wear a very sexy special outfit (as she said) took a few minuets for introduction and boom the magic starts..I must agree with all the reviews she got eyes to die for and think i ever seen eyes that sharp and that beautiful in a looong time & the kissing she kisses reall good in a very passionate way as if our tounges went to a dance together..her boobs are a joy to the hands you will have hard time letting them go..jumping into the real business starting with her on top and feeling her with perfect boobs bouncing up & down i had hard time holding myself not to explode, then changing into various position I must admit she is very tight down there i almost felt her every pulse and heart beats while she cam.
I'm trying to get better - I look at a "potential upload" and then I look again !! Thank You Jack and DU for all do (y)
"I could not resist to comment on the statement by Mr.brianh:
decent tag joesr..you must have been searching a long time for these since you first mentioned it over an hour ago
As far as why he wants to start out as friends first is because, "he has bad memories" from previous relationships that include a cheating GF, and women that have fallen in love with other men while dating him. He said if things were to move forward it would need, "to be careful and we should really talk more about how one feels."
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This is an excellent post.
I think anyone who complies with their sig others request and blows off someone who is supposed to be their friend then it just shows they were never a good friend to begin with.. You shouldn't let a sig other's insecurity make you sever ties with good people whom you consider a true friend in my opinion.
The name's Sharon. I'm a pretty laid back person, I like to chill. If you message me anything dirty, I will not respond. I have self respec.
Originally Posted by mightycpa
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